Assessing the students performance in chemistry in senior secondary school certificate examination.
In accordance with Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary the 5th Edition 1995, science can be defined as the study of the structure and behaviour of natural world and society especially through observation and experiment. Also Encyclopedia Americana (1982 vol. 24,page 385) defined it as the systematized, positive knowledge, or what has been taken as positive at different ages and in different places. In view of the above, science could be seen as the ascertained knowledge by observation and experiment, critically tested, systematized and brought under general principle. According to Ugwu and Eze (2005), the term science is derived from Latin world “SCIRE” meaning to find out. It is a systematic study of nature with the aim of understanding better what the world is Baja and Okebukola (1984) Opined that science is a systematic study of nature through hypothesis, experiment, observations, careful reasoning’ making of valid conclusion and inference on the bases of analysis. This understanding of nature is vital to the technologist who uses this knowledge to solve the human problems.
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The relevance of science as a requirement for technological advancement of any nation into developed, developing and under developed could only be measured accurately by the numbers of scientists that nation can boast off. In fact, science has profound impart in our daily lives. It covers the broad knowledge that deals with observable facts and the relationship among these facts. Science has numerous influences in our lives. It provides basis for modern technology as listed below;
1. It provides basis for modern technological inventions that have transformed human life, such as tools, materials, techniques and service of power that makes our lives and work easier.
2. It creates meaningful and relevant knowledge in science subjects.
3. It applies scientifically knowledge to everyday life in matters of personal community health and agriculture.
4. Modern science and technology have changed our lives in many ways like manufacture of aeroplane, cars, communication satellites, computers, plastics and television invention.
5. It is also one of the strongest factors that shapes man’s belief, his attitude towards his immediate environment, life and universe. Ogunniyi (1984)
This science consists of pure and social science. Examples of pure science subject are the Biology, Chemistry, and physics and the social science are consists of Economics, Agriculture and Geography.
Chemistry as one of the branches of pure science, is most commonly regarded as the “ central science” or the mother of all science” (Ahiakwo 2000). Okeke and Ezekannagba (2000) defined chemistry as a branch of science that deals with composition, structure, properties and uses of matter.
FOOD: Fertilizers andinsecticides have helped to increase food production greatly. Chemical processes are designed especially to preserve and stores food for long periods, so that it can be exported to distant counties and is available to more people. To fight malnutrition, many foods are now enriched by the addition of essential nutrients.
CLOTHING: Man- made textile fibres, produced as a result of intensive chemical research, have made available a wide rang of clothing materials, which can be bought cheaply.
HOUSING: Many high rise building are being constructed to overcome the present needs for housing, especially in cities. Such buildings need materials like cement, concrete, steel, bricks and tiles which are produced by chemical industries. The mechanical properties of these materials are as a result of chemical research.
According to Ababio (2001) in his New school chemistry has contributed greatly towards providing our basic needs and improving the quality of our lives as stated below:
MEDICINE: the healthy life that many of us enjoy is due to the variety of medicines that are available as a result of chemical research and technology financed by big pharmaceutical firms, research to find out new and better drugs is going on all the time.
TRANSPORTATION: Modern transportation is an essential feature of today’s of world. This rapid development from carts pulled by animals to the latest aircraft was made possible from fuels and structural materials like alloys which are light, strong and heat-resistant (Ababio, 2001, p.g 2–4)
As a matter of fact, many jobs opportunities are available for students with knowledge of chemist, such opportunities or careers are teaching services, food processes, petroleum and petrol-chemical industries, manufacturing industries, e.t.c. But all these job opportunities to the chemistry students depend on the student that perfumes creditably well. Thus, the researchers wish that chemistry should be made mandatory to the students from SSI by the Ministry of Education like other science subjects such as Biology.
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