How To Avoid Plagiarism During Research

4 min readAug 23, 2022


Plagiarism is defined as the act of displaying as one’s own original piece the creative works of another without giving due credit to the author or source is known as plagiarism. It is significant to highlight that this term encompasses all of the components of someone else’s undergraduate project work, encompassing concepts and arguments, imagery such as diagrams, maps, and photographs, compositions, and organizational systems, in addition to the words written in text.

Plagiarism is essentially a form of intellectual theft or dishonesty. The word “plagiarism” is appropriately derived from the Latin term for “kidnapper.” The act of “kidnapping” or taking somebody else’s words or thoughts and putting them off as one’s own is known as plagiarism. Despite the seeming simplicity of the concept of plagiarism, learners may find it difficult to understand because it can take many different forms.

The acquisition of knowledge and skills in the students’ chosen fields is one of the main goals of a university education. To accomplish this, students are required to read scholarly works, present both their own ideas and those of others in their field in accordance with established educational standards.

For instance, in academic writing, students are required to not only produce original work and show that they have read widely, but also to properly cite and include the opinions of experts in the topic of study in their articles. You must follow the academic guidelines for referencing and crediting sources in order to do this properly.

Students who violate these guidelines risk being accused of plagiarism or of attempting to pass off the words, ideas, or research of others as their own. Being unethical via plagiarising has major repercussions, including failing in a topic or even dismissal from a course. While there are instances of willful plagiarism and cheating, the majority of student plagiarism incidents are brought on by inexperience, negligence, or a lack of proficient writing abilities.

This guide can be useful in that regard. It will assist you in defining plagiarism and identifying examples.

How To Avoid Plagiarism

Understanding plagiarism’s complex issue is a prerequisite for successfully responding to it because it is a difficult subject. Consequently, following these five straightforward guidelines will help you avoid plagiarism.

(1) Do not copy word for word: Copying directly from any other article when writing a research project or book is not good writing. Short quotations are acceptable as long as they are enclosed in quotation marks and the reference is mentioned right away following the quote. It should go without saying that copying without quote marks and with insufficient references constitutes grave plagiarism, but alas, this is happening.

(2) Write in your own words: Without using another person’s language or even their writing style, list all of your ideas in your own words. That normally implies you should steer clear of copying as much as you can. It is only permitted to paraphrase or rewrite someone else’s content in your own words if it appears briefly (for example, within a paragraph) and the source is credited at the conclusion of the quoted portion. Avoiding paraphrases is the simplest way to prevent plagiarism problems in this context.

(3) Cite when in doubt: If you keep citing yourself for that, it can be a sign that you don’t write in your native tongue enough. It sends a message that you should think about rewriting your article. Never quote or put quotation marks around well-known phrases or words; however, any use of them in a presentation must be properly cited.

(4) Do not reuse photos, statistics, tables or text from one of your own previously published articles without reference: generally, it is best to avoid reprinting a statistic that you have already written. However, to be sure, mention the primary study in the table or figure caption if necessary. Note in the text that it was taken from your earlier article and request permission if you have not maintained the copyright. Never reuse material from one piece of writing on another. Write new text on each piece of paper. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in self-plagiarism, which is deliberate but occasionally accidental plagiarism..

(5) Ask permission:Ask their permission and give them credit if you want to use a figure, table, or any other data that hasn’t already been published and was created or compiled by a person who isn’t one of the article’s co-authors. The same holds true if you include their data into your own figure or table. If you want to reproduce any picture, table, or graphic that has been provided, please ask for copyright permission..


To help researchers and writers build trust and improve their writing, organizations and managers should offer education project topics and research guides through teaching and supervision guidance. All research involves using other people’s words to some extent, therefore we must be adaptable and avoid being dogmatic about where to draw the line between suitable and inappropriate textual borrowings. Therefore, plagiarism is a difficult and complex problem. Due to recent measures to boost research output, which now lags significantly behind that of advanced nations, it is crucial to create a top-notch filter to ensure that the rise should be more than just bar inflation and instead make a real contribution to academia and society as a whole. It is important to instill in the research a study attitude and the required ethical norms.



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