The Importance of a Pilot Study in Your Research

4 min readMar 9, 2022


In every research whether it is an undergraduate project, masters’ thesis, PhD dissertation or publication, it is usually very essential to ensure that the instrument used is reliable and valid (that is to say its suits the population of interest used in a particular study). This process is called pilot study or a pre-study. However, for most study, the mistake of using an instrument (questionnaire) that was not developed and validated in a specific place of study or developing a new instrument without testing its accuracy and consistency with the population of interest chosen by the researcher is very common and when this happens, one can conclude that such result is invalid because the context in which such instrument were developed may not fit or suit the present population which the research adopted. Therefore, it is on this note that this article aimed at highlighting the importance of pilot in an undergraduate project.

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What Is A Pilot Study?

A pilot study is a small-scale preliminary study that is undertaken to assess feasibility, duration, cost, adverse events, and enhance the study design prior to the execution of a full-scale research project. This enables a researcher to organize and execute a large-scale project in the most methodologically rigorous manner feasible, saving time and money by lowering the possibility of errors or issues. During a pilot study, you can limit the intended number of participants by using fewer subjects than you intend to include in the full study, or you can limit it in another way; for example, the range of subject types may be more limited (e.g., you use only undergraduates in the pilot when you intend to use a broader range of the general population in the full study), or the procedures may be more limited (e.g., you test people on their ability to recall a certain type of word when in the full study you test people on their ability to recall

A well-conducted pilot study with specific targets and objectives inside a formal framework promotes methodological rigour, can result in higher-quality research and scientifically legitimate work that is publishable, and can benefit patients and health care delivery. A pilot study provides significant information to researchers in the course of their research. Conducting a pilot study allows the researcher to learn and improve the abilities required before embarking on the larger investigation. The researcher gets early data, evaluates their data-analysis process, and clarifies the financial and human resources required by executing a pilot. This page provides an overview of pilot studies, why they are undertaken, what to consider when reporting pilot studies, and the authors’ pilot research experience. To perform a good study, researchers must hone their abilities, select appropriate methods, and meticulously arrange all aspects of the process.

Importance Of Pilot Study In Undergraduates Project

The following are ways in which a pilot study is essential in undergraduates’ projects;

1. It allows for preliminary testing of theories, which leads to more precise testing in the main study. It may result in the modification of certain theories, the elimination of others, or the development of new hypotheses.

2. It frequently provides the researcher with ideas, tactics, and hints that you may not have anticipated prior to doing the pilot study. Such ideas and hints boost the likelihood of obtaining clearer results in the main investigation.

3. It enables a detailed examination of the intended statistical and analytical techniques, allowing you to assess their relevance for the data. You may then be able to make necessary changes to the data collection procedures, allowing you to evaluate data in the primary study more efficiently.

4. It can significantly reduce the amount of unexpected problems because you have the option to alter elements of your study to meet challenges revealed by the pilot study.

5. It could save the researcher a lot of time and money. Unfortunately, many research proposals that appear to have tremendous potential turn out to be ineffective when carried out. Almost always, the pilot study gives enough data for the researcher to decide whether to proceed with the major study.

6. The researcher may test out a variety of potential metrics in the pilot study and then select those that offer the clearest results for the main study.

7. If the researcher is a student who intends to pursue a doctorate, the master’s research may occasionally act as a pilot study for later research to be conducted as part of a PhD program. The less research experience a student has, the more likely she or he will benefit from a pilot study. Because of this potential, the student should conduct a pilot study whenever possible, even if it means limiting it to a few instances or a population with a limited scope in some other way.

From the outline provided above, it simple portrays that pilot study play a very vital role in undergraduates’ research projects and should therefore be taken as primary seriously in the process of writing projects and other research papers.



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