The Validity Concept In Qualitative Research

2 min readJul 14, 2021


Proponents of quantitative research frequently challenge the concept of dependability, generalizability, and validity in qualitative research. Though maintaining validity in qualitative research is tough, there are some other strategies to improve the quality of qualitative research. The goal of any research, whether quantitative or qualitative, should be to maintain rigor and control in order to find the truth. It might be difficult for a beginner researcher to find rigor and control in qualitative research. To ensure that the qualitative research is valid, he should ask himself two questions

The researcher is the answer to the first question, and if he is a newbie in this subject, he will seek assistance from the research supervisor or an expert in the field. The second issue can be answered by using statistical tools to analyze the data collected. If statistical analysis fails to answer the second issue in qualitative studies, logic is utilized to ensure that the research instruments are legitimate and credible.

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The best definition of validity, according to Kerlinger, is “are we measuring what we think we’re measuring,” and “validity refers to the extent to which an empirical measure adequately reflects the real meaning of the subject under examination,” according to Babbie (1990).

In research, there are various types of validity.

In research, there are three categories of validity:

Validity of the situation

Face validity assesses the instrument’s reliability by establishing a logical link between the scale’s questions and the study’s goals. The scale’s questions should have a logical justification for being created, i.e., they should provide answers to the objectives. It should also be emphasized that the scale’s questions should address all of the study’s objectives.

Face validity has the drawback that the reasoning on which the researcher generates questions is subjective, and hence changes from person to person. The link between the aims and the instrument will not be the same if new questions are produced. As every change in the questions will generate a different outcome, no objective conclusion can be reached.

Validity in both the present and the future

Concurrent validity refers to how closely the results of a scale match those of a previous study of a similar nature. It can also refer to putting the identical test in front of two groups at the same time to see if it’s genuine. It also forecasts how valid the scale will be in the future; this is a quick technique to measure or establish a test’s validity. It is widely used in the field of psychology, and it may be used to measure human traits extremely effectively.

Validity of the construct

Construct validity assesses the validity of a claim in a more objective way. It assesses the validity of the instrument by establishing a relationship between the questions and the outcome variables and measuring the coefficient of variation. To determine construct validity, the researcher must be well-versed in statistical methodologies.

