What You Should Know About Writing A Standard Seminar Paper In Nigeria

3 min readApr 6, 2023


Before we proceed to all you should know about a seminar paper, it is important to know the definition of a seminar paper.

What is a seminar paper?

A seminar paper is a usually defined as written analysis of a particular topic or a short piece of writing using between 1–4 pages in length (depending on your topic and area of research) with a concise explanation of your research objectives, examples and evidence. An ideal seminar paper looks more or less like a journal article.

Below are things to consider when writing on a seminar topic

1. Availability of research materials

Before embarking on writing your seminar paper, it is important you check for relevant materials online on the said topic, the more materials you have, the better your chances of putting together a standard seminar. In searching for related materials, online search engine like google.com.ng come in handy. searching for the said topic with suffices like “pdf” , “Doc” and “research materials” on Google pops up a lot of articles and related research materials that would be of help. ensure you choose topics with a lot of research materials online. when working on your research topics for a seminar always go through as many online articles and possible. While sourcing for materials online, ensure you verify the authenticity of research materials found on the web by comparing each with the other. Always remember that the more undergraduate research topics and materials the merrier.

2. What your Research Supervisor wants

Before the commencement of your seminar paper, it is important to have a face to face chat with your supervisor. This helps in knowing exactly what your supervisor wants which in turn helps you to know exactly how to write in other to get a good grade. Most students make the mistake of writing their research works without proper input from their supervisors, this will only put you in trouble. Ensure you always see or hear from your supervisor before and during the writing of your seminar.

3. What are your school’s guidelines for a seminar paper

Every school has its own guidelines for a seminar paper. Visit your school or departmental library or ask your predecessors for your schools seminar guidelines. It is important to note that no matter how good your write-up is, if it is not in accordance with your schools guidelines of formats, then you can be sure of what the outcome of your seminar grade would be. so in other to avid this, ensure you know your schools research seminar guidelines and follow it strictly.

4. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is an research offence of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. This comes with serious consequences. Ensure you properly reference paragraphs, research and write-ups that aren’t yours. This would help you avoid plagiarism when writing. Another sure way of avoiding plagiarism is by properly paraphrasing which means learning to put sentences or paragraphs in your own words. Always have it at the back of your mind that ALL institutions of higher learning take plagiarism seriously.

5. Proofread your Seminar paper

To ensure that it is polished and prepared for your seminar supervisor to read, read your seminar aloud. Make use of your last reading to check for typos, grammatical faults, long or unfinished phrases, and other little issues that might hurt your grade. Before printing your final copy, highlight or circle these mistakes and make the appropriate corrections.


Despite the fact that you may have successfully written on several education research topics in the past, it’s crucial to make sure you comprehend the specifics of your present task before you begin. When your lecturer gives you the assignment, carefully read the instructions and underline any terms you don’t understand. If anything in the directions appears unclear or if you simply don’t understand the assignment, ask your supervisor to clarify it.



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